Monday, 12 February 2018

Sports is a part of the curriculum in almost all the schools. The schools that do not encourage physical activity during school hours are doing injustice to the growth process of the children.

Playing sports is good for the overall growth of the child. Usually it is said that playing sports makes a child physically strong. Yes, it is true and being physically fit is really important. You can stay healthy by playing sports.

Then the child can be encouraged to play the sports he or she likes or is good at. There are various kinds of sports that the children can play from a young age. Playing these sports, the children not only stay physically fit but also they can have mental growth.

They learn many other life lessons by playing sports. One of the most important lesson learned while playing sports is to build confidence. Usually it is seen that the people who play some or the other kind of sports have a lot of confidence.

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.

When you are confident you can achieve a lot in life. The school does not have to teach much and make each one a professional sports person. But the role of the school is to encourage children to play some sports on a daily basis.

This will help them to gain confidence. Generally, when we play sports it is a competition or a match between two individuals or teams. When there is a competition of this kind one is bound to win and other to lose.

The losers will learn a lesson how to play better and improve their skills and also build more confidence. Because one of the reasons for losing may be lack of confidence in their skills. This kind of attitude when shown in sports will be applied to other aspects in their life and will make them a better person.

The winners will have won the match due to their confidence and this is a lesson for them to always be confident. They can also see the result of not having confidence. The best example is the opposite team which lost due to lack of confidence.

So sports help build confidence and the schools need to encourage children to play sports for this reason.

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